Screen Reader System (Choice of JAWS Standard or Window-Eyes Pro) Includes Windows XP Home Edition, Windows Media Player (for playing digital media), Internet Explorer (for Internet browsing), Outlook Express(for e-mail), and Microsoft Word (for documents and letters). Screen Magnification System with Speech (Choice of ZoomText with JAWS or Window Eyes or Magic with JAWS or Window Eyes). Includes Windows XP Home Edition, Windows Media Player (for playing digital media), Internet Explorer (for Internet browsing), Outlook Express (for e-mail), and Microsoft Word (for documents and letters). Screen Magnification System (Choice of ZoomText or Magic) No Speech Support. Includes Windows XP Home Edition, Windows Media Player (for playing digital media), Internet Explorer (for Internet browsing), Outlook Express (for e-mail), and Microsoft Word (for documents and letters). Scan/Read System (OpenBook
with Connect Outloud and flatbed scanner).
Includes Windows XP Home Edition, Windows Media Player (for playing
digital media), Internet Explorer (for Internet browsing), Outlook
Express (for e-mail), and Microsoft WordPad (for Letters, To-do lists, |
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